Fernando Bruccoleri Official Blog

More films that make a difference

More films that make a difference

Thanks for all the feedback on films that make a difference to you. Among the most popular answers were Sharkwater, The Shawshank Redemption, The Help and Pay it Forward. All of your suggestions got me thinking about a few more films that make a difference to me.

More films that make a differencenov 30, 2011
Thanks for all the feedback on films that make a difference to you. Among the most popular answers were Sharkwater, The Shawshank Redemption, The Help and Pay it Forward. All of your suggestions got me thinking about a few more films that make a difference to me.

One particularly popular film on Twitter was The Cove, a film I greatly admire. The Cove calls for an end to the mindless slaughter of dolphins, which of course I 100% agree with. But it also suggests dolphins shouldn’t be held in captivity. I personally feel that swimming with dolphins has been a fantastic way of getting kids and older people behind the cause of protecting dolphins, and most of the time these dolphins have been bred in captivity. As long as the aquariums are well built and well suited then it can be a good thing. Would be interested to know people’s views on that one.

Then of course there is Al Gore’s An Inconvenient Truth, which has changed the way millions of people around the world think about climate change. I am looking forward to joining Al on a trip to Antarctica in the new year – will keep you posted.

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